Dog Licenses

Love me, license me!

If you have a dog over four months old living in your home, New York State law requires you to obtain a license from the municipal clerk in your town.  You can apply for a new license or renew an existing one either by mail or in person at the Town House on weekdays between 9:00 am and 4:30 pm.  Licensing fees may be paid by cash or check (payable to "Town of Pound Ridge").



You’ll need the following items to apply for a new license:

  • completed application (click the link below)
  • proof of current rabies vaccine
  • licensing fee ($11 if spayed/neutered; $23 if not)

When completing the application, please be sure to provide a phone number where you can be reached easily.  This will help us contact you if your dog is lost.



Licenses must be renewed each year.  You’ll receive a reminder in the mail when it’s time to renew.  Please note that you will not receive a new tag when you renew your dog’s license.  However, if your tag gets lost, please let us know, and we’ll provide a new one. 

You’ll need the following items to renew an existing license:

  • proof of current rabies vaccine (if your dog has been vaccinated within the last year)
  • licensing fee ($11 if spayed/neutered; $23 if not)


Thank you for helping us ensure that all dogs in town are properly licensed and vaccinated!