Landmarks & Historic District Commission


Landmarks and Historic District Commission: The Pound Ridge Landmarks & Historic District Commission is dedicated to preserving the qualities of its visible landmarked & historic buildings so that residents and visitors alike can cherish the character for which Pound Ridge is known. The Commission assists home owners who wish to designate their historic home or property as a Pound Ridge Landmark. It is a resource for those contemplating alterations to their historic or landmarked home and helps guide them to choices sympathetic to the building’s original style. The Commission strives to balance the needs of owners of landmarked properties with preservation goals working with the applicants in the spirit of cooperation.  

You can view the Town Code here.

Edward Forbes, Chairman
Edward Condon
Gina Federico
Jill Delaney
Craig Padawer
Chris C. Shaffer
Joseph Seton
Toni Nagel-Smith
Cahal Whelan
Johanna O'Keeffe, Town Historian
Nicole Engel Secretary
Namasha Schelling, Town Board Liaison

All communications regarding the Landmarks and Historic District Commission can be directed to:

Edward Forbes, Chairman
Nicole Engel, Secretary

Follow us on Instagram @poundridgelandmarks for social media.