Go Solar
Installing Solar Panels or Solar Roof Shingles
If you're looking to have solar panels installed on your roof or property to reduce your electric bill, there are a few incentives/rebates available to help reduce the costs:
- 30% Federal tax credit (https://www.energy.gov/eere/solar/homeowners-guide-federal-tax-credit-so...)
- 25% NY State tax credit, up to $5,000 (https://www.tax.ny.gov/pit/credits/solar_energy_system_equipment_credit.htm)
- NYSERDA rebate - Currently $0.30/W, but decreases once the block is full (https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/upstate-dashboard)
Solar System with Energy Storage for Power Backup
For some, it's possible to install a solar system with battery storage to be used in the event of a power outage, as an alternative to a gas or propane generator. There are incentives available that help this system pay for itself over time, and with no worries or ongoing costs of maintenance and securing fuel. It also has the added bonus of running silently. Check with your local solar installer to see if this is a viable backup power solution for you.
In addition to the rebates and incentives for installing solar, there are financing options available, such as:
- loans
- leasing*
- Power Purchase Agreements (PPA)*
*above rebates and incentives likely do not apply since you won't own the system
Talk to your accountant for your specific savings.
For more information on installing solar: https://www.nyserda.ny.gov/All-Programs/NY-Sun
Community Solar
This program is for those that want to take advantage of some of the benefits of solar without installing solar panels. You can subscribe to a community solar project and receive discounts on your electric bill from the offsite solar farm, and save up to 10%.(https://sustainablewestchester.org/solar/ )