Water and Wastewater Task Force

Water/Wastewater Task Force

Alison Boak, Co-Chair
Ellen Ivens
James Best, Co-Chair
David Dow
Ted Dowey
Kelly MacMillan
Max Mosolino
Phil Sears
Peter Vogel
Alison Boak, Town Board Liaison

Wastewater Task Force: The mission of the Pound Ridge Water/Wastewater Task Force is to assist the Town of Pound Ridge create a long-term wastewater solution for Scotts Corners Business District. 

Task Force Structure & Operation: The 7-member Task Force includes two Co-Chairs (Town Board Members), the Town Attorney, and qualified Pound Ridge residents appointed by the majority vote of the Town Board. Meeting frequency will be determined by the work load.

Tasks include: Review existing studies to determine the need and scope of further study or mapping;
Work collaboratively to manage the process of defining the project area,
Conduct a feasibility study and a prepare an engineering report;
Advise the town on matters related to developing a wastewater strategy;
Create a multi-pronged funding strategy for the project that includes Federal/State and other sources of grant funding;
Assist with preparations of grant applications;
Keep the Town Board apprised of relevant meetings, trainings, and new developments in technology related to wastewater treatments;
Keep the Town Board and public updated on progress.