Community Compost

It's easy for Pound Ridge Residents to remove food scraps and organics from the waste stream and reduce our carbon footprint.
Drop off organic food waste at:
The Town's Recycling Center
290 Stone Hill Road
Wednesdays and Saturdays, from 8 a.m. – noon.
You can purchase a $25 Compost Kit from the Recreation
Department at the Town House. The kit includes:
- A small bucket (1.6 gal) for inside your kitchen to collect scraps (fits in dishwashers)
- A larger bucket (6 gal) with a sealable lid to leave in your garage or outside shed. Fill this up with what you collect in the small bin during the week and then use this bin to transport your scraps to the Recycling Center
Items that can be composted include:
- Fruits and Vegetables (remove stickers, bands and ties)
- Meat and Poultry (bones ok)
- Fish and Shellfish (shells ok)
- Dairy Products
- Bread and Pasta
- Rice and Grains
- Egg Shells
- Chips and Snacks
- Nuts and Seeds
- Leftover and Spoiled Food
- Coffee Grounds (paper filters ok)
- Tea Bags (no staples)
- Paper Towels and Napkins
- Cut Flowers
- Compostable Bags (no plastic bags)
Questions? Check out our FAQs