AMENDED Notice of Public Hearing regarding Formation of Scotts Corners Water District
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Town Board of the Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester County, New York, on May 21, 2024 suly adopted the Order published herewith calling a public hearing on the establishment of a proposed water district in said Town to be known as "Scotts Corners Water District" to be held at the Town House (Courtroom), 179 Westchester Avenue, in said Town, on June 11, 2024, at 7:30 pm EDT.
You may attend in person at the Town House or virtually via Zoom videoconference. To attend virtually, please use the following login/dial-in information:
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Dial-in number: 929-205-6099
Meeting ID: 880 7889 6476
Dated: Pound Ridge, New York
May 29, 2024
At a regular meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester County, New York, held at the Town House, 179 Westchester Avenue, Pound Ridge, New York, on May 21, 2024, at 7:30 P.M., Eastern Time.
Kevin Hansan, Supervisor
Diane Briggs, Deputy Supervisor/Councilperson
Alison Boak, Councilperson
Daniel Paschkes, Councilperson
Namasha Schelling, Councilperso
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In the Matter of the Establishment of a Proposed :
Water District in the Town of Pound Ridge, :
Westchester County, New York, to be known as :
Scotts Corners Water District of said Town. :
WHEREAS the Town Board of the Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester County, New York (the “Town”) has duly caused to be prepared a map showing the boundaries of a proposed water district in said Town, to be known as the Scotts Corners Water District (the “District”), a general plan to serve said District, and a report of the proposed method of operation thereof, for the purpose of analyzing the feasibility of the formation of the District; AND
WHEREAS said map, plan, and report, entitled “Scotts Corners Water District Map, Plan, and Report” and dated May 15, 2024 (the “Report”), was prepared by Laberge Group, competent engineers duly licensed by the State of New York, was filed with the Town Clerk of said Town, and is available for public inspection during regular business hours; AND
WHEREAS the proposed District will contain approximately 39 parcels; AND
WHEREAS the boundaries of the proposed District shall be as described in Exhibit A attached hereto and hereby incorporated herein; AND
WHEREAS the improvements proposed for said District to connect to the water supply owned and operated by the Aquarion Water Company (described as Alternative no. 1 in the Report), consist of the acquisition and construction of a water main, valves, meter pit, hydrants, a treatment building and original equipment, machinery, apparatus, appurtenances, service lateral connections from the water main to the property or easement line, and incidental improvements and expenses in connection therewith, all as more fully descripted in the Report; AND
WHEREAS the estimated maximum cost of said improvements is $11,129,000; AND
WHEREAS the District plans to apply for (i) a Water Infrastructure Improvement (WIIA) grant from the New York State Environmental Facilities Corporation (“EFC”) and (ii) low-interest financing from EFC through its Drinking Water State Revolving Fund (DWSRF) program; AND
WHEREAS it is the intention of the Town to make the establishment of the District contingent upon the award of a WIIA grant and financing assistance from EFC; AND
WHEREAS the proposed plan of financing (described as Scenario 3 in the Report) includes (i) a WIIA grant for approximately 70% of the estimated maximum cost and (ii) the issuance of up to $3,340,000 of bonds and/or notes of said Town to be financed through EFC’s DWSRF, assumed at an interest rate of 3% for a period of 30 years; AND
WHEREAS the costs of the proposed District will be apportioned based upon the equivalent dwelling unit (EDU) of each property in the proposed District, with each parcel being assigned an EDU as set forth in Appendix I of the Report, wherein a single-family home is assigned an EDU of 1 and the commercial properties in the District have EDUs ranging from 1 to 50; AND
WHEREAS, assuming the District receives the grants and financing from EFC as described above, the annual user cost per EDU is approximately $856.00, which comprises a debt service cost of $590.00 and an operation and maintenance cost of $266.00, assuming the property does not exceed its designated EDU usage; AND
WHEREAS, assuming the District receives the grants and financing from EFC as described above, the expected average annual cost to the typical property (as such term is defined in Article 12-A of the Town Law) in the proposed District will be approximately $2,568.00 (for a commercial property with an EDU of 3) and the annual cost to the typical one-family home in the proposed District will be approximately $856.00 in the first year in which operation maintenance, and other charges and expenses are to be paid by said properties, as described in Section VIII of the Report; AND
WHEREAS, there is no proposed hook-up fee imposed by the District, but each property owner will be responsible for the one-time cost associated with the installation of and connection to the water lateral that will be constructed by the project and for the installation of the Town-supplied water meter and setter, which cost will depend on the actual length of the service line and the complexity of installation; AND
WHEREAS it is now desired to call a public hearing upon the question of the establishment of said District and the improvements proposed therefor, all pursuant to Section 209-d of the Town Law; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT
ORDERED, by the Town Board of the Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester County, New York, as follows:
Section 1. A meeting of the Town Board of the Town of Pound Ridge, Westchester County, New York, will be held at the Town House, 179 Westchester Avenue, in said Town, on June 11, 2024, at 7:30 pm Eastern Time for the purpose of holding a public hearing to consider the establishment of a water district in said Town as described in the preambles hereof, to be known as the Scotts Corners Water District, and the improvements proposed therefor, and to consider the map, plan, and report filed in relation thereto, and to hear all persons interested in the subject matter thereof concerning the same, and for such other action on the part of said Town Board as may be required by law or shall be proper in the premises.
Section 2. The Town Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to cause a copy of this order to be published once in the official newspaper(s) of said Town, the first publication thereof to be not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day set herein for the hearing as aforesaid, and said Town Clerk shall also cause a copy thereof to be posted on the sign board of the Town maintained pursuant to subdivision 6 of Section 30 of the Town Law and on the website of the Town not less than ten nor more than twenty days before the day set for the hearing as aforesaid.
Section 3. This order shall take effect immediately.
The question of the adoption of the foregoing order was duly put to a vote on roll call, which resulted as follows:
Councilperson Schelling voting AYE
Councilperson Boak voting AYE
Councilperson Briggs voting AYE
Councilperson Paschkes voting AYE
Supervisor Hansan voting AYE
The order was thereupon declared duly adopted.