Meeting Video



You can view live meeting video (and participate in meetings) via Zoom.  Information on joining Zoom meetings is available on the monthly calendar.  Access to the video feed for any meetings that are livestreamed is also available here


Archived Video Recordings

  • 11.01.2021-present: Recordings can be accessed via the monthly calendar.  To view, navigate to the date of the meeting you want to watch, and click on the meeting name.
  • 07.13.2021-12.31.2021: Videos of in-person meetings are available here
  • 03.13.2020-07.12.2021: Recordings can be accessed via the monthly calendar.  To view, navigate to the date of the meeting you want to watch, and click on the meeting name.
  • Before March 12, 2020: Videos of in-person meetings are available here.